Dairy Foods' podcast featuring enlightening interviews with dairy industry experts.


Cargill’s Mark Fahlin joins “Let’s Talk Dairy” podcast

Dairy and its ability to promote health and wellness trends are discussed.

Iris, Style, Jewellery, Eyebrow, Forehead, Chin, Hairstyle, Lip, Hair, Clothing

Kathie Canning is editor-in-chief of Dairy Foods.
Contact her at 847-405-4009 or c

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Fahlin is a Category Leader for Cargill and a frequent speaker at industry events. For more than 20 years, he has supported innovation in the United States and abroad, including a half-dozen international assignments that included stints in Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Fahlin is currently based at Cargill’s world headquarters in the Minneapolis area, where he leads the company’s category efforts in dairy, dairy alternatives and specialized nutrition. Prior to joining Cargill, he worked for Royal DSM as the Global Marketing Lead for the company’s cultures, enzymes and probiotics line. He also held previous positions in marketing and general management for General Mills and Häagen-Dazs.

During this podcast, Fahlin discusses the following topics:

  • The influence health and wellness trends are having on the dairy and plant-based dairy space.
  • How dairy and plant-based dairy products are evolving to align with those trends.
  • Where he sees as the biggest opportunity for nutritional improvements and what’s happening on the ingredient side to make those advances possible.
  • Looking further out, what’s next for the dairy and alternative dairy categories. DF

Mark Fahlin, Category Leader – Dairy, Dairy Alternatives and Specialized Nutrition at Cargill, joins Dairy Foods for Episode 37 of the “Let’s Talk Dairy” podcast, where he discusses the important role of dairy foods in promoting health and wellness in consumers of all ages.

Face, Smile, Chin, Wrap, Stole, Sleeve, Happy, Iris, Scarf